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Digital pH sensor Memosens CPL59E

>Краткие характеристики
  • Диапазон измерения

    pH 0 to 14

  • Рабочая температура

    0 to 135 °C (32 to 275 °F) (0 to 100 °C (32 to 212 °F) application range)

  • Рабочее давление

    1 bar, not intended for continues measurement in process

  • Посмотреть все характеристики

Область применения

The Memosens CPL59E starts to perform best, when other sensors cannot handle the conditions. The pH electode is suited for harsh conditions as e.g. in chemical and process industries. Due to the ion trap it offers a high stability to oxidizing agents. This protects the sensor and the junction from drift and inaccurate measurement.

Memosens CPL59E is suited for:​

  • Check of on-line measuring loops

  • Analysis of grab samples (on-site as well as in the laboratory)

  • Measurement at process points where regular checks are recommended​

In the following applications: ​

  • pH value setting in the media

  • Process water of chemical industry​

  • Neutralization​

  • Mixture monitoring​


  • The ion trap provides excellent performance and long-term stability even in harsh environments such as oxidizing agents

  • Large dirt-repellent PTFE-junction to avoid clogging

  • Innovative Memosens 2.0 technology: true plug and play and optimal traceability

  • Automatic registration and temperature compensation with the integrated temperature sensor

  • Tamper-proof data storage including serial number and calibration history for required quality management

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    Memosens 2.0: новый уровень передовой технологии датчиков

    Сделайте жизнь проще, повысьте безопасность процесса с внедрением цифровой технологии Memosens2.0.

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Примеры успешного применения

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