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Multiparameter handheldLiquiline To Go CYM290

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    Контакт М8 для протокола Memosens малой мощности, одноканальный прибор

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    IP 66/67

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Область применения

With Liquiline To Go CYM290 you get the information you need, where you need it. The robust multiparameter handheld enables you to control any measuring point in your plant with the identical Memosens sensors that you use in your process. This guarantees full data consistency between your measurements with results you can trust: reliable measuring values that allow you to quickly take any remedial actions necessary to keep your process running under optimal conditions.

Liquiline To Go CYM290 is a multiparameter handheld for the measurement of:

  • pH/ORP

  • Conductivity / conductivity trace

  • Oxygen / oxygen trace

  • Temperature

It suits all industries and their utilities allowing the reliable control of

  • Measuring loops

  • Grab samples (on-site as well as in the laboratory)

  • Process points where no online measurement is installed


  • Make the right decisions for your process: the handheld's reliable measurements with 100% signal integrity help you to take the appropriate action at the right moment.

  • Trust your grab sample values: using the same technology for process and grab sample measurement provides you with full consistency.

  • Take it to any measuring point: the robust, shock-proof housing with ingress protection to IP66/67 enables fast process control even in the most challenging environments.

  • Simplify your daily work: hot plug & play with pre-calibrated Memosens sensors enables you to rapidly change from one parameter to another.


  • Memosens converts the measured value to a digital signal and transfers it to the transmitter without a contacting connection. This video shows how Memosens optimizes process control and maintenance.

Примеры успешного применения

  • Wastewater treatment at Belgium Wastewater treatment at Belgium

    50% less precipitant - 100% reliability and cooperation

    IDEA achieved tremendous cost savings through continous monitoring with the CA80PH Analyzer at their site in Wallonia

  • Richard Kooijmans and Hadji Cifci from AVR Waste in Rotterdam Richard Kooijmans and Hadji Cifci from AVR Waste in Rotterdam

    An automated system for pH measurements at AVR

    AVR Waste in Botlek, Rotterdam, processes up to 1.7 million tons of residual waste per year. Discover how they optimized their pH measurement thanks to Endress+Hauser

  • Dow plant in Stade, Germany Dow plant in Stade, Germany

    Automated pH measuring point in wastewater

    The Dow plant in Stade relies on Endress+Hauser solutions for pH monitoring in the treatment of production wastewater.

  • To protect the enviroment a reliable effluent monitoring is crucial To protect the enviroment a reliable effluent monitoring is crucial

    Pure high quality beer and clean wastewater

    Discover how Heineken meets all regulations to protect the brazilian environment with the Viomax CAS51D digital nitrate or SAC sensor from Endress+Hauser.

  • Image of Holiferm's pilot plant Image of Holiferm's pilot plant

    Conductivity system optimises production of biosurfactants

    Holiferm produces sustainable biosurfactants using a patented gravity separation fermentation process. The company was seeking a way to automate the measurement of the critical phase separation step.

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